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The Case of the Alperton Angels by Janice Hallett

The Case of the Alperton Angels by Janice Hallett

‘The Mysterious Case of the Alperton Angels’ by Janice Hallett

Publisher - Viper Books


Thanks to @netgalley for the arc.

‘The Case of the Alperton Angels’ is a book which has stayed with me since reading it. Whenever I think about the book a sense of overwhelming uncomfortableness comes over me and I feel quite royally freaked out! This is nearly four weeks after I read the book and I am still feeling this way and it's also why I have found this review so hard to write! But this can only be a good thing as it means the author has done their job and that this is a brilliant book.

Once again, Hallett has used a variety of techniques to showcase the story - diary entries of both journalists, notes between them, emails between characters etc etc. When ‘The Appeal’ was released many found it to be a very unique way to tell a story and in this case it has once again proved to be an effective way to progress the narrative! This time the premise is that you have taken possession of a safety deposit box which is full of all these sources and documents about a true crime. You could either lock it away again or take all the items to the police.

The true crime is the case of the Alperton Angels cult which was led by a man called Gabriel, who is now is prison. He was planning on killing a baby he and his followers believed was the Anti-Christ. The mother of the baby flees with him and the remaining cult members killed themselves rather than face prison. Amanda Bailey is a true crime writer and is hoping that this book about the cult will help to boost her waning career. She is wanting to local the baby as they would now be 18 years old and she wants to tell their story. She is also competing with another writer, Oliver who Amanda used to work with at the start of her career at a local newspaper.

This is a book which you need to pay attention to as you read it, otherwise, you might miss important clues and reveals! But this is a fun way to tell a story and all the different strands coming together is part of the experience. I devoured this book in a couple of sittings as once you start to uncover this story it becomes all-consuming and addictive. Then when the reveals begin to appear you honestly can not stop reading until the very end.

Let me know if you read this one!

You can buy this book on my indie bookshop!


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