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InVisible by Sarah Bourne

InVisible by Sarah Bourne

A woman is detained by authorities after a terrorist attack, sending her on a twisting path from London to Afghanistan in this emotionally powerful saga.

 When Laila and her lover, Faisal, are detained after the 2005 terrorist attack in London, it sets in motion a chain of events that will alter Laila’s life forever.

 After being held in solitary confinement for months, Laila is released back into the world without charge, a woman changed beyond recognition. When she decides to leave the country and travel to Pakistan to look for her elusive father, Laila is reunited with Faisal in Peshawar—but the romance is short-lived when she finds herself kidnapped and taken to Afghanistan, leaving her sad, angry, and uncertain if she will ever find her place in the world and the freedom she craves . . .

 From the author of Ella’s War and The Train, InVisible is a poignant look at how we treat each other and the judgments we make that explores the question of whether freedom always comes at a price.

Author Bio

Sarah Bourne was born and raised in England, but got itchy feet as soon as she received her first Atlas in Primary school and fell in love with maps and the idea of travelling to distant lands.  Her twenties were spent travelling and saving up to travel more. She spent eight months cycling round India, Nepal and Tibet, and has also travelled extensively in South East Asia. After living and working in various countries including the USA, India and Japan, she settled in Australia.

She worked for many years in Mental Health, and now runs her own Counselling Practice, teaches yoga and has had three novels published by Bloodhound Books – The Train, Ella’s War and InVisible

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