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Opal Country by Chris Hammer

Opal Country by Chris Hammer

Opal Country by Chris Hammer

Publisher - Wildfire

Publication date - 6th January 2022

Thanks to @netgalley and Wildfire for the #gifted copy of the book. 

‘Opal Country’ is a blistering thriller, where the heat of the outback crackles off the pages, an intense story of desire and greed in a claustrophobic atmosphere of a small-town setting. When I first saw this book advertised I was yas another Scarsden adventure, but it isn't this time around. Yes, it's set in the same world and he is referenced but this time it's centred round DS Ivan Lucic and I might have to *whisper* that I kind of like him more! 




DS Lucic has just finished working on the case that the last Hammer book was centred around and him and his boss DI Montifore now have a elite group gunning for them. Montifore is being investigated by professional standards and when a body is found in the middle of opal country Lucic is sent there ‘to keep him out the way’! The body is that of Jonas McGee and has been killed in his opal mine and he has been strung up and crucified. Lucic has been given DC Nell Buchanan to team up with and I have to say that they make a dynamic pairing! 




This is Aussie Noir at it's finest. Hammer is an expert in weaving complex and intricate plots, whilst creating an intense and pulsing atmosphere. It is some of the finest crime writing out there. I was riveted from the get-go and I learnt so much! I knew there was a precious stones industry in the outback but I knew nothing about it so I inhaled this book! From the opening chapter of the ‘ratters’ to the complex financial dealings, every page was rich with detail and authenticity. I wish I was still able to insert myself into this world and when that occurs you know that the author has done his job! 




This is an outstanding piece of crime fiction and I honestly can’t wait for the next book! 

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