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The Interview Chain by Lynn Farley-Rose

The Interview Chain by Lynn Farley-Rose

Everyone has something interesting to say if you take the time to listen. 

The Interview Chain is a series of conversations—each interviewee was asked to nominate someone they admire as the next link.

 Starting from a casual conversation on a boat on the Thames, the chain wended its way for over 23,000 miles, alighting on three continents and gathering up personal perspectives on issues that really matter in the world today.

 The interviewees include a theatre director, a rabbi, a philanthropist, a sculptor, a New York Mayoral candidate, a pioneering documentary maker, and a man who rescues giant trees. 

Some have worked in challenging places—Kabul in the time of the Taliban, a Romanian orphanage, immigration detention centres, remote Indian villages—while others have found themselves caught up in extraordinary situations such as the Rwandan genocide, the Ferguson uprising, and the UN Climate Change Negotiations.

About the author.

It was while she was working on her PhD in developmental psychology that Lynn became fascinated by what people do to cope when things gets tough. 

Her first book, 31 Treats And A Marriage, was a personal account of reconnecting with life after years as a wife and mother, when everything was overturned by unforeseen calamities. 

This led her to wonder about other people's stories, particularly on the question of where people find strength and inspiration. In writing The Interview Chain she talked to many remarkable people, each of whom had wise words to share about the human world—about things that help to make it a kinder and more connected place.

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I found this book fascinating! First of all as a social project but also just the stories which were told. People like these who have been interviewed in a way make me feel inferior. It makes me realise how small a life I have lived compared to those interview. They will make an impact on the world, whether it is through charity or a performance, or fighting climate change. These peoples stories need to be told and I am so pleased that Lynn has done this. I loved the fact that she never knew who she was interviewing next and whether it would work out for her project. I can imagine that would have made her nervous but I like how it shows a true reflection on people’s connections throughout the world.

Im not going to say too much about the actual interviews as it’s hard not to spoil them. However, I will mention Romania. The scene which haunts the teller of the story will also now haunt me. I studied the USSR and it’s break up at university and although I knew the situation was desperate it’s first person accounts that make it real.

This book has inspired me to make my own chain - I’m going to pass this onto my friend Karina and then ask her to do the same again. I like the idea of the book making it’s way round the world. I have also purchased a pouch from Love Welcomes, one of the charities mentioned in the book as I was so impressed with what they do over in America and beyond. This section of their work takes strips of material left over by migrants life vests etc and weave them into goods for sale.

Amazon UK - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Interview-Chain-Lynn-Farley-Rose-ebook/dp/B08XQFQDG3/


Amazon US - https://www.amazon.com/Interview-Chain-Lynn-Farley-Rose-ebook/dp/B08XQFQDG3/

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