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The Treatment by Sarah Moorhead

The Treatment by Sarah Moorhead

The future of law enforcement has arrived, courtesy of private health contractor Janus Justice. Their ground-breaking ‘Offender Treatment Programme’ has been hailed as the most effective way of tackling crime yet.

As offenders move through the four-tiered system, their needs are dealt with, each tier more drastic in its methods:

Tier One: Low-risk crimes. Physical therapy encouraged

Tier Two: Trauma and addiction. Emotional and psychological reasons for offending are examined

Tier Three: Aversion therapy & moral punishment

Tier Four: Siberia, where all hope is lost

But Grace Gunnarsson, one of Janus’ most highly regarded rehabilitation psychiatrists, has uncovered a terrible flaw in the system: one that is allowing people to get away with murder...

About the author

Born in Liverpool, Sarah Moorhead has told stories since childhood and uses writing as bubblegum for her over-active brain – to keep it out of trouble. Fascinated by meaning, motivation and mystery, she studied Theology at university.

Over the last twenty seven years, apart from teaching in secondary school, Sarah has attained a black belt in kickboxing, worked as a chaplain, established a Justice and Peace youth group, and written articles for newspapers and magazines about her work in education and religion. She still lives in her beloved hometown.


‘The Treatment’ is an exceptional book that whilst being entertaining and thrilling, ponders the Justice system, why people offend and whether we can cure them of criminality. This is the second book that Sarah has written after her debut ‘Witness X’ and whilst this is the first time I have read her work, it won't be the last! I will also being going back and reading ‘Witness X’ as this book was original, fresh in its thinking and was extremely well written!

This is a hard book to review without giving away major spoilers! Grace works for Janus Justice as a psychologist helping people who have offended but have shall we say valid reasons. She helps them work through their problems and if needed gives them extra support in regional centres where they receive rehabilitation. This is tier two of the system. Grace is happy working here but when her husband who is an investigative journalist asks her to find out more about tiers three and four she refuses. It's very secretive and not much is known about it. But when a staff absence means that Grace is drafted into a tier three clinic for the day her can't believe what she saw and the ramifications bring her whole world crashing down…

This whilst being a dystopian book is set in the near future and is readily believable as something that might be one day implemented! It was a clearly well researched book scientifically and it felt fresh and original! But also realistic and authentic. It books like this that challenge your perspective that I thoroughly enjoy reading and this was up there with some of the best.

Grace was a strong protagonist and I really enjoyed seeing this world through her eyes. She was empathy all over! Kind to patients, determined to help them and didn't judge them at all for their crimes. Even when she gets sucked into the higher tiers her compassion stood firm and foremost in an environment where others will crumble! I really loved the relationship between her and her best friend and she definitely deserved more from her husband!

This has been left in a way where the story could be continued into another book. But I quite like the story being contained into one outing. Would I love to read more about Grace, yes of course, but sometimes a perfect book is enough!

Let me know if you pick this one up!

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