

Welcome to Books by Bindu!

Rise of the Immortals by Anna Allen

Rise of the Immortals by Anna Allen

In a world of rising magic, an unseen battle commences. The Gods of Gritheim release their instruments – for good and evil.

While many scoff at witchcraft and sorcery, Josse and Leonné have witnessed it firsthand. Thrown together by prophesy they must learn to wield their secret magic, to defend not only themselves but the kingdom of mortals. Wraiths, known as Drackarts, do the bidding of Guiscard D’Abernon and his sorceress wife, Orella, but the masters behind these puppets are the ones set on its destruction.

The Immortals of Gritheim are on the rise, seeking ultimate power and control; they care not how many thousands will be slaughtered in their path. Only the Redeemers stand in their way. Josse and Leonné must overcome their dislike of each other, for their world is at stake.

For fans of thrilling epic fantasy that will keep you turning pages!

As part of the blogtour I have the pleasure of being able to share an extract with you.

IN THE PEACFUL KINGDOM OF GRITHEIM a putrid discord stirred, stretched and reached deep across the lands. Thunder rumbled and mountains quivered as red and yellow streaks tore the skies apart. The priests prayed to the Sky-Bound Deities. Who had angered their Gods – Eilsir and Arllan?

Harvests failed and plague covered the land. Folk looking for scapegoats blamed outcasts and witches. People motivated by greed and lust betrayed and divided families.

Amidst the chaos, a sage of great age sat in a cave staring gloomily into his tankard. His solitary retreat had been in vein, his sacrifices and cries for the nation had gone unanswered.

Startled, he froze in fright, as a voice echoed around the cold rock walls.

“Fear not, the Gods know our people suffer. Two babes, a boy and girl, were born today. Young and defenseless, they will suffer at first but their courage will overcome fear and struggles. They will fight for the people of Gritheim and save them from the evil that is forging its way through our world. If they can succeed, they will be your redeemers.”

Curse of the Fallen by H. C. Newell

Curse of the Fallen by H. C. Newell

Concrete Jungle by PJ Skinner

Concrete Jungle by PJ Skinner