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Sight Unseen by Sandra Ireland

Sight Unseen by Sandra Ireland

1648. Alie Gowdie marries Richard Webster during a turbulent time in Scotland's history. Charles I is about to lose his head, and little does Alie know that she too will meet a grisly end within the year.

2019. Sarah Sutherland is struggling to cope with the demands of her day job, caring for her elderly father and keeping tabs on her backpacking daughter. She wanted to be an archaeologist, but now in her forties, she is divorced, alone, and there seems to be no respite, no glimmer of excitement on the horizon.

However, she does have a special affinity with the Kilgour Witch, Alie Gowdie, who lived in Sarah's cottage until her execution in 1648, and Sarah likes nothing better than to retreat into a world of sorcery, spells and religious fanaticism. Her stories delight tourists as she leads them along the cobbled streets of her home town, but what really lies behind the tale of Alie Gowdie, the Kilgour Witch? Can Sarah uncover the truth in order to right a centuries-old wrong? And what else might modern-day Kilgour be hiding, just out of sight?

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Author Bio

Sandra Ireland was awarded a Carnegie-Cameron scholarship to study for an MLitt in Writing Practice and Study at the University of Dundee, graduating with a distinction in 2014. Her work has appeared in various publications and women's magazines. She is the author of Beneath the Skin (2016), Bone Deep (2018) and The Unmaking of Ellie Rook (2019). She lives in Carnoustie, Scotland.


I adored this book! It was engaging, compelling, a great narrative and characterisation. The dual timeline was extremely well done and I just fell in love with Sarah, Grant and her father!

I have been reading a lot of books recently which have links back to the Scottish witch hunts and I loved how this had a twist on the theme. Yes, there is all the back ground of the history present, but with the Reverend’s journals and Alie’s story it has been more humanised and authentic. I can fully envisage something like this tale happening in the dark winter when witch fever rampant!

I fully resonated with the Sarah’s character - history geek, looking after family and not living up to her potential. I need to carry on writing my book! I also kind of want to live in her house. I adore houses with history literally in the rafters. I also loved wee Peggy in the supermarket, reminds me of a typical Scottish Gran! All the character were well rounded and I hope that this is the start of a series as I want to know more about all of them!!!

The story which surrounds one of Sarah’s employees was extremely well done. This is an issue that needs to be raised more and hopefully this will give readers a chance to spot this happening in the real world. Can’t say anything else as it will head into spoilers. But bravo!

Hopefully, this will lead into a series as I loved this book and it’s characters. Read this one so you can get in on it! 5⭐️ for me!

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