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The Death of the Sentence by Richard Doyle

The Death of the Sentence by Richard Doyle

The death of the sentence is the debut role of the writer; the plight of the poetry pamphlet; an inventive homage; science in the novel; science fiction in the real world; prose spaceship and singular music; both fun-

Simple in style yet steeped in emotion, I recommend The death of the sentence for poetry newbs and aficionados alike - Dystopic.co.uk

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Richard Doyle is an old-school SF fan who began writing seriously in 2001. He has a Diploma in Creative Writing from the University of East Anglia and collaborated on a book in 2006. He has had poems published in the UK poetry magazines Orbis and Sarasvati and is a regular member of the Bristol Stanza Poetry Group. 


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First of all this is a very short collection, only 24 pages but it’s a combination of traditional stanzas and short paragraphs alternated between the sheets. I found this very accessible to read. As I have said before I am not a huge poetry readers but there were parts that stood out to me.


I know the theme here is about a puncture but to me it represented my daily struggle with my chronic illnesses. Especially ‘I stagger up again’ as everyday I try to push myself to get back to a normal way of living.


I also really enjoyed this one. I think it’s the pace and rhythm of the poem that called to me. Also, maybe it’s just me but I liked the use of nature to counteract the technology of the spaceship. Plus I loved the line ‘is this the human dawn?


I remember that I used to be able to write complex, long, descriptive sentences like this at university. But my brain has lost so many brain cells that I can’t formulate them anymore. Again, harking back to my illness, the brain fog which I fight with makes it hard to have structure like this. So once again this one really resonates with myself.

I really enjoyed this quick read, a lot more than I thought I would. All you need is a cup of tea or glass or wine by your side and a ten minute window to escape into this collection. Give it a go, I am glad I did.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/death-sentence-Richard-Doyle/dp/B08CMYCGC4

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