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Hinton Hollow Death Trip by Will Carver

Hinton Hollow Death Trip by Will Carver

It’s a small story. A small town with small lives that you would never have heard about if none of this had happened. Hinton Hollow. Population 5,120.

Little Henry Wallace was eight years old and one hundred miles from home before anyone talked to him. His mother placed him on a train with a label around his neck, asking for him to be kept safe for a week, kept away from Hinton Hollow. Because something was coming.

Narrated by Evil itself, Hinton Hollow Death Trip recounts five days in the history of this small rural town, when darkness paid a visit and infected its residents. A visit that made them act in unnatural ways.

Prodding at their insecurities. Nudging at their secrets and desires. Coaxing out the malevolence suppressed within them. Showing their true selves. Making them cheat. Making them steal. Making them kill.

Detective Sergeant Pace had returned to his childhood home. To escape the things he had done in the city. To go back to something simple. But he was not alone. Evil had a plan.

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Author Bio

Will Carver is the international bestselling author of the January David series. He spent his early years in Germany, but returned to the UK at age eleven, when his sporting career took off. He turned down a professional rugby contract to study theatre and television at King Alfred’s, Winchester, where he set up a successful theatre company. He currently runs his own fitness and nutrition company, and lives in Reading with his two children. Good Samaritans was book of the year in Guardian, Telegraph and Daily Express, and hit number one on the ebook charts.

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Well wasn’t this a fiendishly dark and clever book, narrated by Evil no less! I absolutely and utterly fell in love with this book - not quite sure in what light that shows me. It’s just so devilishly clever and captivates you from the get go. Who would have thought Evil had a consciousness?!

This is the third book in the series but you don’t have to read the previous books to get enjoyment from Hinton Hollow. Yes, there are references but you can move past them as they don’t really affect the main narrative. I would flaming read them though as they are amazing books! Detective Pace is the character that follows through the books and he is a man I am beginning to want to follow no matter - Will Carver’s books are now on my automatically pre-order list and trust me that is a selective list. But what really entices you in a Carver book is that examination of the human psyche - seeing both the best of the worst of it. Evil may have come to Hinton Hollow but it was already there hidden away in people, just waiting to be nudged into existence.

Carver doesn’t hold back with the punches yet again. There will be scenes in this book that will upset people. But they are meant to. Humans need to be shocked to see what we are doing to humanity. Whether it being global warming, famine or just hating your neighbour it’s all symptomatic of how we are behaving as humans. Carver gets this and throws it into the spotlight. Our actions have consequences. Open your eyes.

I don’t really want to get too much into the story as it’s harrowing and you really don’t want spoilers on this one. It’s a book you should be able to enjoy blind. It’s that good. I honestly loved this book. An easy 5⭐️ from me. Buy it now, read it in one sitting and then tell all your friends about it!

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