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Solstice by Helen Steadman

Solstice by Helen Steadman

England, 1673. Still a world of witches, witch trials and witchfinders.

When a new vicar arrives to take over the parish of Mutton Clog, the village finds itself in the grip of puritan fever, and suspicious eyes are turned on Rose Driver.

Rose’s mother, brother and grandmother were all put to death by the fanatical witchfinder, John Sharpe.

Almost quarter of a century after the Newcastle witch trials, Sharpe is no longer a threat. Rose should be safe in her quiet village, but is history about to repeat itself?

Find out in Solstice, the powerful conclusion to The Widdershins Trilogy, which tells the story of one woman’s struggle for survival in a hostile and superstitious world.

The Widdershins Trilogy was inspired by the little-known Newcastle witch trials, where fifteen women and one man were hanged for witchcraft on a single day in August 1650.

About the author

Helen is particularly interested in revealing hidden histories and she is a thorough researcher who goes to great lengths in pursuit of historical accuracy. To get under the skin of the cunning women in The Widdershins Trilogy, Helen trained in herbalism and learned how to identify, grow and harvest plants and then made herbal medicines from bark, seeds, flowers and berries.

The Running Wolf is the story of a group of master swordmakers who left Solingen, Germany and moved to Shotley Bridge, England in 1687. As well as carrying out in-depth archive research and visiting forges in Solingen to bring her story to life, Helen also undertook blacksmith training, which culminated in making her own sword.

Author's Website: https://helensteadman.com/


‘Solstice’ was a fitting end to the Widdershins trilogy, packed full of despair and hope, hate and love and was completely heart-wrenching. This is the last book in the trilogy and you could pick it up as a standalone but I thoroughly recommend the whole series as it brings this part of history to life brilliantly. Despite growing up not that far from the area in this book I wasn't really aware of witch trials being there. Scotland, yes but the north-east of England now. Probably says a lot about our educational system! These books have brought attention to this period of history in an authentic and profound way.

It's over 20 years since the Newcastle Witch Trials of 1649, where Rose Driver’s mother was found guilty of being a witch. Rose now lives with her aggressive father and her stepmother. The only joy in their life is their sheepdog and tending to the flock. After the death of the last Reverend, a new one is installed - Reverend Eaton who comes with his daughter Patience and son Earnest. They are determined to make the Driver family attend church as they haven't done so in two decades! Patience takes devoutness to a new level and is determined that Rose is a witch and wants to prove this.

Helen Steadman has once again proved that her storytelling is bewitching, beautiful and extremely well-written. She manages to draw you in instantly and doesn't let go until the final sentence. I listened to the story as an audiobook and the narrator was perfect and her tones were distinctive, clear and easy to listen to.

Let me know if you pick this one up!

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