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Of Blood and Fire by Ryan Cahill

Of Blood and Fire by Ryan Cahill

Born in fire. Tempered in blood.

 Epheria is a land divided by war and mistrust. The High Lords of the south squabble and fight, only kept in check by the Dragonguard, traitors of a time long past, who serve the empire of the North.

 In the remote villages of southern Epheria, still reeling from the tragic loss of his brother, Calen Bryer prepares for The Proving—a test of courage and skill that not all survive.

 But when three strangers arrive in the village of Milltown, with a secret they are willing to die for, Calen’s world is ripped from under him and he is thrust headfirst into a war that has been raging for centuries.

 There is no prophecy. His coming was not foretold.

 He bleeds like any man, and bleed he will.

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Author Bio
Ryan Cahill was born in Dublin, Ireland. He was lucky enough to be born to parents that cherished books and adored stories. With every book they read, they brought it to life. A different voice for every character. A different setting for each world. A different facial expression for each sarcastic joke. It was because of this, Ryan fell in love with the craft of storytelling.

Growing up with authors such as J.K.Rowling, Terry Prachett and J.R.Tolkien—before discovering the worlds of Christopher Paolini, George R.R.Martin, Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson—Ryan was always immersed in the art of worldbuilding. In the creation of a world that could transport you to a place in your mind where nothing else could ever reach you.

At the age of seven, Ryan even attempted to write his own book; to create his own world. It didn’t go to plan. Seven-year-olds don’t tend to have much follow through.

It’s a good thing he never gave up.



You know you are onto a winner when you get a book hangover! Seriously, as excited as I was about that ending, I was also heartbroken that it was over. ‘Of Blood and Fire’ is an outstanding piece of fantasy in my humble opinion, especially for a debut novel! The world which Ryan has created is rich in detail, lore and history. It's fully formed from the first page and by the time the book ends it's on par with anything I have read.

Calen is about to take part in ‘The Proving’ which is when men coming of age enter the local forest for three days to survive on their wit and skills. Calen enters with his friends Dann and Rist but when they leave their lives have been changed forever and they are now deemed to be men. In celebration of completing the rite, they travel to Milltown for a night of drinking and fun. But when they get caught up with three strangers business, Calen’s world is ripped apart and nothing will be the same.

I adored the character of Calen, Dann and Rist. Rist is bookish and always has his nose in a book, Dann is into drinking and girls and Calen enjoys being part of a close network of family and friends. All three are courageous and would do anything for each other. Calen in particular is a brilliant mix of hero and an angry young man. He is a character that you are rooting for throughout the book, but one you also want to shake at times! But what I enjoyed was the three men's friendship, I wish I had them propping me up as I complete an epic saga. I'm interested in how this is going to play out in future books.

The story was amazing - I don't want to say too much as I don't want to ruin it. It's the surprises that make this book, whether they are bad or good. But it has all the hallmarks of what you expect in a fantasy novel. The tension that built up in that final section was intense! It has left me wanting more! Please say it won't be long until you finish the next book Ryan. You certainly have a fan here eagerly anticipating it!

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