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Exiles by Jane Harper

Exiles by Jane Harper

Exiles by Jane Harper

Publisher - Macmillan

Publication date - 2nd Feb 2023

Thanks to @netgalley for the advanced copy of the book.

This is a welcome return to the character of Aaron Falk and I was very excited when I was approved for this! We are transported to Australia’s wine country, Marralee Valley as Falk is visiting as he is to be godfather to young Henry, his friends Rita and Raco’s child. It has been postponed from last year as a family friend, Kim, had gone missing from the annual wine and food festival, leaving behind her six week old daughter Zoe. Kim was once in a relationship with Raco’s brother Charlie, who runs a local winery, and they share a teenager daughter Zara.

A year has now passed but nothing as been resolved in Kim’s disappearance. It has been assumed that she has committed suicide as they found her shoe in the local reservoir. However, Zara doesn't believe that this is what happened and is determined to work out what took place. She has printed leaflets and arranged to give a speech on the opening night of this year's festival to jog people’s memories. As Falk becomes more involved he is always made aware of the death of another local, Dean Tozier, who was the victim of a hit-and-run six years earlier at the reservoir. Is there a link between these events?

This was a delightful novel which meandered its way through the locations and its characters. Each character was complex and well-defined. Joel was a favourite - a great portrayal of a late teen coping with the death of a parent. I felt heartsick for him at times. The scenes where you find him at the reservoir are poignant and heartbreaking. Falk seeks more human in this setting, more willing to look into himself and a what is lacking in his life. I have seen rumours that this might be the last Falk book and it if is I am very happy with how it has been left. However, I think there would be ALOT more mileage in this character!

‘Exiles’ is a beautiful book, where the plot is built slowly and carefully, adding multiple layers without you realising it. I was instantly hooked and devoured this book over a few days. It was one of those books you don't want to rush over. I wanted to make this experience last, lingering over the chapters and just absorbing its quiet beauty. I didn't want it to end. Harper has a real talent of writing stories that decide to lodge in your mind and still have a place years later. This one is no exception!

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