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The Christmas Party by Mikayla Davids

The Christmas Party by Mikayla Davids

A family reunion. A shocking secret. A night to die for.

On a snowy Christmas Eve, the Bailey family are gathered at an isolated hotel in the English countryside. They’re reuniting for the first time since the accident that shattered their lives ten years ago. 

It’s a time for love and forgiveness. But someone has an ulterior motive…

The perfect daughter

The success story

The single mother

The alcoholic 

The husband

The jealous sister

The murderer

As the clock strikes midnight, one member of the party is found dead at the foot of the grand marble staircase.

Everyone is a suspect. But which one of them is a killer?

This completely addictive psychological thriller is packed with chilling twists that will keep you up all night. Perfect for fans of The Hunting Party and The Chalet.

About the author

I'll let you into a little secret... Mikayla Davids isn't my real name, it's just the pen name I write under. I could be the person sitting opposite you on the train, furiously tapping away at a laptop, or the woman scribbling in a notebook on the table beside you in Starbucks. Everyone has their secrets. And this is mine.

But I will tell you I've lived and breathed fictional worlds all my life. I've been the child who spent hours in the library, the teenager who stayed up turning pages way into the night, the editor who poured every working hour into helping authors achieve their dreams of being published. Now I'm the secret writer.

I write psychological thrillers about family dramas, complicated relationships and ordinary moments that can suddenly turn into nightmares.

I hope you've been gripped and entertained by my novels. I'd love to hear from you if so, you can contact me across any of the social media pages linked below. If you'd like to hear more about my books, you can subscribe to my mailing list on my website. 


‘The Christmas Party’ sparkles with the celebration of a joyous family reunion, one that is as cold as the season! It is a gripping tale of jealousy, love, and deception and will you hooked through to the end! This is the first book I have read by this author but it won't be the last as I need to find out what happens to these characters and I can't wait to read the follo-up!

The Bailey family have been estranged for nearly a decade but they have reunited for a Christmas party in a plush hotel that one of them owns. Erin left her family one day and was never heard of again until an invitation to this party comes through the post. Will their reunion be joyful or the start of a night from hell…

Gosh, I don't think I liked one person in this family!!! Well Leah the youngest seemed okayish. But I think that is the point we are meant to dislike them to reflect the thriller aspect of the story! It is told from multiple points of view and this helps to build the tension between the family members. I spent the whole of the book wondering who was going to be an unreliable narrator and if so why?! God, there were some good reveals and twists in this book and it certainly kept me reading until I had finished it in a couple of sittings!

Bring on the follow-up!

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