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Somebody Out There by Kevin Lynch

Somebody Out There by Kevin Lynch

Be careful what you wish for…

When Ben and Deborah leave the city to start a new life in the beautiful Irish countryside, they can almost taste their perfect future – growing their own food, the kids running free, peace and silence.

But as soon as they arrive in their new home bad things start to happen. And it becomes clear that somebody out there wants them gone.

But ex-crime reporter Deborah doesn’t scare easily. This is the life she’s dreamed of for her family and she’s not giving up on it without a fight.

As the campaign against the family intensifies and becomes truly terrifying, Deborah is determined to unmask whoever is trying to hurt them and starts to dig for the truth.

 What she finds is more twisted and horrifying than she could ever have imagined.

Somebody Out There – the stunning psychological thriller perfect for fans of K.L Slater, Miranda Rijks, Teresa Driscoll.


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About the author.

Kevin is a Guidance Counselor by day and a thriller author during his off hours. He puts an original slant on some common experiences and creates engaging stories with a personal twist. Kevin lives in Ireland with three great kids and a wife who makes him laugh, which is really all he could ask for. 


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‘Somebody Out There’ definitely plays into my fears about people watching you in the rural dark! This was a captivating, spine-tingly, nightmare of a thriller.

Ben and Deborah decided to uproot their family from Dublin and move into the country to gain that rural ideal life. Deborah is a crime reporter and recently was working on organised criminal gangs and wanted to move the family from that threat. They have decided to open a health shop in their new home, grow their veggies and return to a slower pace of life. But someone has different ideas - there are noises outside during the night and it's clear someone doesn't like them being there. Ben and Deborah are giving up without a fight.

The only thing I would say that surprised me about this book was going by the blurb I thought Deborah would be a more involved character and that's a shame, as I would have probably preferred her point of view. Also, be warned there are a few gory bits in this book. Kevin doesn't flinch on the shock factor!

I enjoyed this book, it was a multi-layered book as it deals with all the members of the family and how they react to events. However, it did feel as if the perpetrator was kind of plucked out of thin air. Maybe that was a good thing as it meant I didn't guess the ending. I do think that a few more clues could have been put in the narrative though. But, it was still a good thriller. There were lots of red hearings, the tension was well-paced and built up to a great showdown! I loved the character of the son - he had a steely core but was full of compassion, and empathy.

Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3s6g3gZ

Amazon US: https://amzn.to/3sXZZid

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