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The Perfect Home by Kevin Lynch

The Perfect Home by Kevin Lynch

She made her dream home. But dreams can turn into nightmares.

June is very happy in her home. It’s where she raised her two kids – now college age – and every room is filled with memories, some beautiful, some painful. She loves the garden she has worked so hard to create. She likes her neighbours in this pleasant, leafy suburb.
But lately, something has changed.

There’s the new guy across the street. He seems rough, possibly criminal. And he’s been taking a definite interest in June’s rebellious daughter, Cathy. And there’s June’s son, Sam. He’s always been open and friendly but recently he’s been sullen and secretive.
Even more disturbing, June’s cheating ex-husband suddenly seems to be everywhere. It’s almost as if he’s stalking her.

Then, when someone she knows is murdered, June begins to understand that all these different things are connected. And as she investigates further, she realises that she herself is in terrible danger. Because someone out there wants June gone. Permanently.

The Perfect Home – the stunning psychological thriller perfect for fans of K.L Slater, Miranda Rijks, Daniel Hurst.

About the author

Writing creates a door to a parallel universe. It is an escape from the humdrum of daily life. I'm not complaining. I live a safe and secure life in a democratic country and earn enough to live on. I'm a Guidance Counsellor at a second level school and pretty happy with that. I have three great kids and a wife who makes me laugh, so on the face of it I couldn't ask for more, but at the same time a lot of life is filled with the usual mundane tasks that keep it all ticking over; cleaning, cooking, shopping, working, commuting, giving lifts, having little squabbles, staring in horror at utility bills etc, so it's nice to have this portal to another world where you can go and wander among the characters you have created and find out what their quirks, foibles, likes, dislikes, motivations are as you dry those dishes or gaze blankly at the back of the car in front of you at the lights. I know I'm never going to be a great writer, but if I'm an ok writer who works at his craft that is good enough for me. I would like to think I can put an original slant on some common experience and create engaging stories with a personal twist. I hope that you, the reader will enjoy the books and that you can find the time to let me know where I've done well and where I haven't done so well.


‘The Perfect Home’ is a psychological thriller that looks at how something as getting a new neighbour can led to fear, paranoia, isolation and trauma. This is a very quick read and I flew through it in one sitting.

June is a divorced mother of two children and lives a very contented life in the suburbs. But when a new neighbour Steve moves onto the estate it's soon clear that he doesn’t fit in! He fixes cars on the pavement and play loud music way into the evening as he is working on the cars. At the same time, more of the estate is being bought up to rent out to students as there is a college just behind June’s house. One both of her children attend. Then someone is murdered and it's clear there is far more going on than anything thought!

I enjoyed this easy to read thriller. I did manage to work out what was going on quite early into the book but this doesn't distract too much from the enjoyment. I preferred the sections where events taking place were surrounding June’s house as that set of circumstances something that was make me paranoid! Your home is your sanctuary from the world and when that is destroyed… I know this from personal experience as my Aunt had horrendous neighbours and had a nervous breakdown because of it. It's the psychological ramifications that makes me scared of anything happening like this to me as seriously it can ruin your life!

I actually liked Cathy the best as she was a bit more liberal than her mum June. More willing to be accepting of new circumstances. Cathy was a saint though in her dealings with her ex!

This is a ‘light’ psychological thriller in my eyes but was a quick and enjoyable read.

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