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The Good Husband by Abigail Osbourne

The Good Husband by Abigail Osbourne

A zealot sends his grief-stricken son on a murderous mission, in this heart-pounding novel.

A chaotic stampede of Black Friday shoppers leads to Elsie’s tragic death—and leaves Jack, her husband of thirty-seven years, devastated. Unable to cope with his grief, he flees to his childhood home to be with his father, an overbearing religious zealot who puts his faith before everything—even his son.

Jack’s father convinces him that Elsie had not died in vain. Her life was sacrificed to give Jack the strength he needs for his mission: to rid the world of greed. Embittered by his loss, Jack soon sets out to punish the depraved and eradicate the sinners from the world. The greedy killed his wife, and now they must pay. But how far is Jack willing to go to fulfil God’s plan—and how many innocent people will die?

About the author

Abigail Osborne is an author and also runs her own business supporting students and people in the workplace with their disabilities. Abigail is originally from the Lake District but moved to the West Midlands for University where she completed an English Literature & History degree. She lives in Worcestershire with her husband and is a board game fanatic, owning over 70 games. She has a huge collection of books, plays the violin, and is currently learning the piano.

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Website: www.abigailosborne.co.uk


‘The Good Husband’ is a psychological thriller that was compelling, unusual and a twisted read that kept me hooked! I flew through this book - it was an uncomfortable read though due to the subject matter and the decisions that the character makes. But it’s meant to make you feel that and Abigail has done a brilliant job with this book.

Jack has just lost his beloved wife Elsie as she was killed during a stampede on Black Friday. Unable to deal with his grief he retreats to his childhood home and spends time with his Father. Their relationship has always been strained as his Father is a religious zealot and recluse. Jack suffered his whole life but especially during his childhood. His Father now persuades him that Elsie’s death should be used to rid the world of greed. But how far will Jack go on this mission…

The pace of the book was fantastic with chapters swapping between ‘then’ and ‘now’ which allowed the tension to ramp up as the book progressed to its climax. The writing was powerful, especially when dealing with the topic of Jack’s grief. That was handled with care and empathy and was one of the best elements of the book.

My favourite part of the whole book came at the end when we see Jack and Elsie at the shopping centre. That was beautifully and evocatively written and I must admit a tear was shed!

Let me know it you read this one!

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