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Foul Play - card game!

Foul Play - card game!

The geniuses behind the Morecambe & Vice Crime Festival have come up with this card game as they had to cancel due to Covid.

I loved the idea of playing this with my family and that is exactly what we did last night! It was a blast. The rules are easy to follow - I would recommend using the information on the website as it made it a lot clearer than the ones that came with the pack. But it was easy to follow - even playing with someone from an older generation, my mother-in-law. She did ask a million questions but she is like that until it finally click and then she is the demon player that everyone needs to beat! Every single game we play it happens.

We ended up playing good cop just to extend the play a bit as we were enjoying it so much. Trying to persuade each other with our evidence was super funny. I think I cried out at one point ‘just accept that I am right for once in my life!’ They still weren’t swayed 😭😭😭!

I totally forgot to take my own pictures as I was enjoying it that much. So I have had to use the promo ones. My dining table isn’t that posh! Plus I have a migraine today and can’t be arty.

Foul Play Dining Table 3.jpeg

This is a super fun game and I can see it being a hit at Christmas. You can find out more about the game and how to order it at - https://damppebbles.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=83e8491725045629313ca5c93&id=4a9c2f49f0&e=ccbfb624e5

Foul Play banner V2.png
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