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The Lies of Our Fathers by Jonathan Mark

The Lies of Our Fathers by Jonathan Mark

Antioch 1098. A Crusader knight saves the lives of a Muslim family.

A city under siege by the army of the First Crusade. Sickened by the slaughter of Muslims, an English knight rescues a family and helps them escape. In the midst of battle he discovers a holy secret. When the tide is turned and the Crusaders find themselves besieged within the walls of Antioch, the same Muslim family must risk their lives to save the English knight.

Ankara 2000. An ancient bible is discovered.

An original version of the Gospel of Barnabas, supporting the Islamic view of Jesus and suppressed by the Christian church for centuries, is discovered by Turkish police in an anti- smuggling operation.

Iran 2005. A son hunts his terrorist father.

Richard Helford, MI6 agent, is searching for his father, a wanted terrorist. A search for the truth will take him from the Greek islands to the deserts of Iran, via Turkish occupied Cyprus. Embroiled in the bloody rivalries of Iranian politics, could his father be guilty of a murder that hurts Richard to the core of who he is? Richard must find the secret of the Crusader knight and the proof that the Gospel of Barnabas is not a forgery. Or will the assassination squads from the CIA and Mossad get there first?

What are The Lies of Our Fathers?

The second novel in the Barnabas trilogy.

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About Jonathan Mark:
Jonathan Mark worked for nearly forty years in the City of London financial district, he retired early to pursue his long held ambition to write novels.  He shares his time between Essex and Cornwall and travels around the world to research material for his books.

To kick start his writing career he completed an MA in Crime and Thriller writing at City University London. At the time, this course was the only creative writing MA in the country which focused on commercial crime fiction. The Last Messenger was the novel submitted to complete the MA.

Social Media:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/jonmark1956

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jonathanmarkwriter

Website: https://jonathanmarkwriter.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jonathanmarkwriter/

Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Jonathan-Mark/e/B072HCBT1F/

Purchase Links:

Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3kWZwIn

Amazon US: https://amzn.to/35Wd8Q3



‘The Lies of Our Fathers’ is a rollercoaster of a spy thriller book, extremely fast paced, twists and turns aplenty, great characters that you either want to hit or love.

Normally I would say you would be able to read this book without reading the first one, but in this case I recommend reading ‘The Last Messenger’ in order to get the best from this one. There are a lot of references and continuation of the story so it would be advisable to read it as a series.

The relationship of father and son, Richard and David, is very intriguing. The emotions run high, would blood be thicker than the ‘intelligence services’ order to kill his father? It’s a complicated relationship and the characters reflect that. Richard has never had a good relationship due to a lonely childhood, but has the revelations that came in the first book changed his mind at all?

The guys traipse all round the Middle East, primarily in Iran. Richard definitely has an interesting first day in the country. At times I had to actually put the book down and go well who was that and what do they want?? It’s story is complicated but it worth it when it all falls into place. I can’t wait for the next book!

If fast paced thrillers are your thing then this book is for you!

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